Thursday, January 27, 2011

How to Study for Nursing School

I'm actually not really sure what the best way to study is. I know that I am putting in at least 8 hours a day of reading, typing, note taking etc. . .

Amazon Book

I did well on the first test. At least I didn't do as bad as I thought I would. Our school has an adjusted rubric, meaning that anything under 93 is a B and anything under 84 is a C. I got a B on the first test. I am hoping to still get an A in Holistic Nursing. This is our hardest course for the semester and if I can get an A or high B it will really boost my confidence in an overall high GPA.

I know this shouldn't matter to me too much, but I have hopes of CRNA school or NP school and I want to land a good job right out of school, so I just think a good GPA will keep more doors open.

Here are a few things that I do that help my studying:
  • Read all assigned readings.
  • Make notes in the book as I go.
  • Turn the powerpoints into questions and answer those questions.
  • Repeat step three two or three times.
  • Teach a classmate what I have learned.
  • Approach the professor at least once per section with questions.
  • Take all practice tests from the book, ATI, book website & included CD-ROM
Basically, you have to shut off the other parts of your life that are distractions. Our school does have a gym connected with the hospital that we can use for free. I am sigining up for that now.
Plus I have an awesome wife that is very supportive!!!