Second Degree Nursing Programs

There are over 230 second degree BSN programs in the US.  These programs cater to students that already have a degree in another field other than nursing and have decided to make a career change.  They are referred to as ABSN, Second Degree, or Accelerated programs.

Accelerated BSN programs can last anywhere from 13 months to about 18 months.  They typically require that you have already taken A&P, Statistics, Microbiology and a few other courses depending on the program.  They are very intense and require a fair amount of dedication, but at the end of the program you will be an RN.  Thats right in less time than it takes for someone to obtain their ADN you will be a Registered Nurse with a BSN.

The following website is a list of some 230 accredited ABSN programs throughout the country.